Week 15 - right leg 🌶️
Recent Classes
Our focus on the right leg continues with this class. Through doing regular classes and PRI techniques you might feel like your left side has cleared up nicely but whenever you go for a longer walk or hike, you notice the right hip flexor and right lower back / SI joint kick in. What we want to practice is quad and glute activation at the same time so our psoas and back muscles get a break on the right. Join me, if this sounds like your jam!
This class features the following Non-Manual Techniques from the Postural Restoration Institute:
-Supine Hooklying Hamstring with IO & TA
-Modiefied Standing Wall Supported Reach
-Modified Step Overs
-Standing Supported Resisted Right AF ER with Right Glute Max
Up Next in Recent Classes
Week 14 - lower back and SI joint 🧈
In today's class, our attention is on our hips and legs. We'll begin with a wind-down and a refresher on mastering the exhale. Then, we'll dive into properly sensing our hamstrings, adductors, and quads. Anticipate a gradual build-up which will release your lower back muscles.
This class feature...